Video From T.W. Jackson

How Can You Tell Your Relationship Is Serious

How do you know if your boyfriend or girlfriend is serious about you? Have you been together for a long time and don't see any progress in the relationship? You can not tell many times what your partner thinks about your relationship and if they consider you a possible life long partner.

When we first meet and start dating someone we tend to put our best foot forward. If we think we like this person we can put on a front so we can impress them hoping they like us. You hit it off real good and have been dating for a while now, but the honeymoon is over and we start to be our real selves.

It is at this point we see the true personality of our partner. Now we can really judge them for who they are. This goes for you to, your boyfriend or girlfriend will be seeing the real you also. You can not go on forever putting them on.

Is there something your partner does that irritates you? Is it really that bad or do you just have a low tolerance for it. Think of these kinds of things, if you become a long term couple will this drive you crazy?

Does your partner take you for granted or are they courteous and helpful to you at all times. Many times a guy for example will think of doing for you but never gets around to it. He may think its okay, you will not mind. But in reality you are taking notice of these kinds of things.

If it looks like your partner is in it just for the ride then you may realize that this person is not taking things serious. Try to feel them out to understand what they are thinking. If you are looking for a long term relationship and you do not see it in your current partner then it may be time to move on.

If Your Girlfriend Says She Needs Space - How Long Do You Give Her?

What do you do if your girlfriend up and left you without any prior notice? She may tell you she just needs a little space to herself to sort out some things. Now you are trying to figure out what has happened to bring this on and can't find a reason. Also, how much time should you give her?

It's very possible that she needs to have some time to herself, maybe she's overwhelmed by something and needs to think it through, maybe even family issues. About all you can do now about it is let her have her time to herself. No use arguing about it because it will only make her angry and feel restricted.

If you try to talk her into telling you why she's doing this, you again will be putting her on the spot and she may not want to talk about now. If you think you have had a strong relationship then you should not worry too much about her taking off, she should be back with you soon. If she is gone a week then I would at least send a text message to say hi and that you are thinking of her.

Don't pressure her to come back or explain her actions, you can talk it over later. If you get a friendly answer back then you should have nothing to worry about. If you get no replay, try to contact her again in a couple days. If you get a chance to talk, just let her know you are thinking of her and that you love her. Let things take there natural course.

Verified Strategy on How to Win Your Ex Back

Anguish from a relationship break up is a rough thing to deal with. It is usual to go through a awful time emotionally after breaking up and you are not alone. If you are wondering if there could be a possibility of getting your ex back the answer would be yes. There is a good probability of getting them back if you take the right approach.

Before you take the steps to get your ex back, be certain that you are getting them back for the right reasons. For example if you really care about them and you think the break up was a mistake then by all means try to get them back. If you are being possessive of your ex, not wanting anyone else to be with them, then you are making a big mistake trying to get them back.

When you take the steps to get back with your ex, realize that you need to take a planned and careful approach. It can take awhile to be successful and you should not rush things. The two of you need to go through what is like a healing process and it can take time. Listed below are three things to consider when getting back with your ex.

1. You need to know what went wrong. If you can not find the reason for your break up, how do you expect to fix it? You do not want to repeat the same issue again so get to the root of the problem and take care of it so it does not cause you problems again.

2. This may sound weird but try dating someone else. Don't get serious with them but go on a couple dates to gauge how you really feel about your ex. If you still think about them after having been out with someone else then you probably really care about them. If you do not think about them anymore then you should possibly move on.

3. Starting over with your ex can take awhile so do not rush things. Don't expect the good old days right from the start, take it slow and relearn each other. If either of you try to push things too fast one of you may back out of the relationship again.

Do you want to get your ex back? If you say yes then you need to go here